Student Celebration Day 2024
When: 15 June
Where: In universities, branches and midwifery societies across the UK
Students are the future. They inspire and grow the midwifery profession. We should always celebrate those who want to further their knowledge, with a lot of students going to great lengths to do so.
On Student celebration day, it is the perfect opportunity to show appreciation for student midwives and a chance for student midwives to celebrate all their achievements too!
Being a student is no easy feat, especially at the moment. We want to do everything we can to support students, give them a voice and help them become the best midwives they can be.
We have four events running across the UK on Friday 14 June at the RCM offices England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales book your place.
On 15 June, we're asking RCM members to come together and celebrate students. Whether that is in your workplace, university, MidSoc or with friends and family. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Bake offs, races, a learning event - nothing brings people together like throwing an event. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Bake off with students as judges
- Learning event in collaboration with midwifery society
- Create a celebration notice board
- Wellbeing craft session
- Visit midwifery society event and offer branch affiliation
- Tea and snack trolley
- Virtual workshop
- Mindfulness workshop – clementine
- Quiz night
Buying gifts can be expensive, but that is where your branch funds come in, or your RCM MidSoc grants. Apply for a grant today.
• Baked treats
• Standard RCM merch
• Travel bursary raffle
• Study supplies
• Ask the students what they need!
Use Twitter to
- Post your key messages using the hashtag #RCMStudentsDay24
- Announce your celebration
- Share live updates and photos from your event or activity
- Post links to student articles and coverage
- See, retweet, comment and like what others are saying about #RCMStudentsDay24
- Retweet RCM’s tweets from the account @MidwivesRCM and Student Midwife Forum (SMF) account @RCM_SMF and tag the RCM in to your own messages
Use Facebook to
- Post your key messages
- Share the Student Celebration Day message visuals
- Upload photos and video of your celebration
- Get your followers involved in Student Celebration Day
- Share and like RCM’s posts about the day from
Use Instagram and TikTok to
- Promote your celebration in advance through engaging and videos
- Share some photos and videos from your event or activity
- Get your followers involved in IDM by running polls or asking questions around the student midwife experience
- Post your key messages using the hashtags #RCMStudentsDay24
- Don’t forget to follow the RCM and SMF
Branding guidance
Please see the RCM branding guidelines if you would like to use the RCM logo on any of your celebratory products.
To download the RCM logo please log into your branch resources page.
Bunting and storefront
Download RCM bunting.
Access resources on Storefront and use branch funds to purchase RCM branded content to give to students. Please note only activists can order from Storefront.