RCM's latest research and call for abstracts

By RCM Research Advisors, Jude Field and Jenny Cunningham on 05 November 2021

Welcome to our first RCM Research Advisor blog. We are planning to publish a blog once a month, highlighting some of the RCM’s most recent research related activity.  

To introduce ourselves, we are Jude Field and Jenny Cunningham. We both work part-time for the RCM, combining this role with our other roles as a Midwifery lecturer and PhD student. We are passionate about research and enjoy working for the RCM supporting midwives in their research journeys.  

Back in September, we had the opportunity to meet with members of the RCM Student Midwife forum. It was fantastic to talk with the students about their experiences and thoughts about research, and to give them an update on how we are planning to implement the RCM Research and Development Strategy. Members shared how their different routes into midwifery education had included differing research related content, and that hearing about research related career options could help them to consider research related careers for themselves.  

This month we are preparing for our third RCM Research and Education conference ‘Ensuring every voice is heard – promoting inclusivity in education, research and midwifery care’. The conference is being held on the 23 and 24 March 2022, venue to be confirmed. This is a great opportunity to network with others from around the UK, and we are anticipating a varied and interesting programme - great for your CPD!  The call for abstracts has gone out – please consider applying for an oral presentation, poster presentation, or 3minute pre-recorded ‘elevator pitch’. We are really keen to showcase the fantastic research that midwives do. The deadline for submission is 12pm 16 January 2022 and successful submissions will be notified by 18 February 2022. 

For the past year the RCM has been supporting research studies – giving our official support to study proposals and helping with finding participants and study dissemination. We invite researchers to complete a short form giving details of their study, including midwifery involvement, and consider these in our fortnightly meetings of our Expert Clinical Advisory Group. You can see information and links to these studies here. If you think we could help you, please get in touch: [email protected].

We are always keen to hear about midwives who are taking part in, or conducting research – please get in touch with us at [email protected] if you feel that the RCM can support you in promoting or disseminating your research. 

Access the Research and Funding page here.
