01 February 2011
Rural maternity care - Changes in the retail industry mirror those in rural maternity care | Speaker series: breastfeeding - Julia Austin outlines the aim of her project in tackling the cultural norm of bottle-feeding and increasing breastfeeding ...
01 October 2010
Tommy’s - The research charity moves up a gear with new initiatives and publications | NICE - Gareth Price reports on NICE’s new Pregnancy and complex social factors guideline | Separated mothers - The role of midwives in child maintenance ...
01 September 2010
Home birth: A commentary on Wax et al’s meta-analysis on home birth safety | Midwifery 2020 - A summary of the project and its final report | NICE - Hollie Ewers looks at the new NICE guidelines on weight management | RCM awards - Read what winning ...
01 August 2010
MSWs - The role of MSWs in community triple test clinics in Bradford | Annual event - A report by Maura O’Malley on this year’s RCM annual event in Bristol | NMC - NMC midwifery advisers provide an update on the latest changes to the midwives exemptions ...
01 June 2010
Is it bullying or just being bossy? | Breastfeeding - Author James Akre talks advertising and RCM policies | Listeriosis - The HPA warns of the dangers for pregnant women of not heeding food safety advice | Obstetric cholestasis -
Itching in ...
01 April 2010
Down’s syndrome - How should midwives tackle the subject of Down’s syndrome? | Preeclampsia - New guidelines for the screening and early detection of pre-eclampsia | TV - A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Channel 4’s latest maternity ...
01 February 2010
Albany - Midwives’ explores King’s decision to terminate its contract with Albany | Bleeding disorders - The first of three articles on the most common disorders | Waterbirth - Jane Pidgeon describes a risk assessment tool for supporting women ...