Ágnes Geréb receives presidential pardon

By Julie Griffiths on 04 July 2018 Home Birth

Hungarian home birth midwife Ágnes Geréb has received a pardon from the president of Hungary János Áder.

The pardon cancels the two-year prison sentence Ágnes was facing, but her 10-year work suspension confirmed in January still stands and she remains guilty as sentenced and must carry a criminal record.

In a press statement Ágnes said: ‘I am deeply grateful to all those who have stood by me, who with their actions and encouragement have helped me through this period of trial and hardship. 

‘This act of clemency is about more than me. It is an acknowledgement of liberty in giving birth. It is a recognition by the state that the rights of women to make decisions about the circumstances of their children’s birth must be acknowledged.’ 
