Beyond the heart: a midwifery perspective

The UK Maternal Cardiology Society (UKMCS) collaborated with the RCM to bring this webinar for midwives which was part of UKMCS’ annual Education Day meeting. You will hear from speakers about the experiences and impact of cardiac disease in pregnancy and postpartum and discuss together how midwives can best support women with heart disease through childbirth.


  • Angharad Bullock - sharing her lived experience of a diagnosis of cardiac disease as a new mother.
  • Jane Hutchens, PhD Student in Public Health, University of Technology, Sydney - talks about her qualitative research on the mental health impact of cardiac disease in pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Joanna Girling, Clinical Director NW London Maternal Medicine Network, Consultant in Obstetric Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, presents MBRRACE, Maternal Medicine Networks and Cardiac disease.

