21-30 of 100 result(s)
Royal College of Midwives calls on Government to ‘get a grip’, as maternity staff in London cite safety worries

Royal College of Midwives calls on Government to ‘get a grip’, as maternity staff in London cite safety worries

on 16 June 2023 Midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) in London have told the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) they have significant concerns about the safe staffing of maternity services. In a survey published today by the RCM, a staggering 89.4% ...
Royal College of Midwives calls on Government to ‘get a grip’, as maternity staff in the North West cite safety worries

Royal College of Midwives calls on Government to ‘get a grip’, as maternity staff in the North West cite safety worries

on 16 June 2023 Midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) in the North West have told the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) they have significant concerns about the safe staffing of maternity services. In a survey published today by the RCM, a staggering ...
Royal College of Midwives calls on Government to ‘get a grip’, as maternity staff in the South West cite safety worries

Royal College of Midwives calls on Government to ‘get a grip’, as maternity staff in the South West cite safety worries

on 16 June 2023 Midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) in the South West have told the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) they have significant concerns about the safe staffing of maternity services. In a survey published today by the RCM, a staggering ...
We must have a strategy to fix Northern Ireland’s growing maternity crisis, says RCM   

We must have a strategy to fix Northern Ireland’s growing maternity crisis, says RCM  

on 30 May 2023 The need for a maternity strategy in Northern Ireland has gone beyond urgent and is now critical says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The RCM’s warning comes as it publishes a report on Northern Ireland’s maternity services which is being ...
All health unions must be brought into pay negotiations says RCM

All health unions must be brought into pay negotiations says RCM

on 22 February 2023 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) says that any negotiations around NHS pay must be with all health unions. The statement follows an announcement late yesterday that the Government are set to enter into pay negotiations with the Royal College ...

Scottish Government imposes pay award, despite midwives’ rejection

on 23 December 2022 Strike action by midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) may still take place in Scotland, after the Scottish Government announced its intention to impose a pay award on health staff in Scotland. The Cabinet Secretary for Health & Social ...
RCM calls for urgent start on new Northern Ireland maternity strategy

RCM calls for urgent start on new Northern Ireland maternity strategy

on 23 November 2022 Work needs to start on a new maternity strategy for Northern Ireland as a matter of urgency says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The call comes in an RCM motion to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Branch Delegate Conference in Enniskillen ...
RCM urges midwives to vote yes to industrial action as England and Wales pay ballot opens

RCM urges midwives to vote yes to industrial action as England and Wales pay ballot opens

on 11 November 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has today launched only its second ballot on industrial action in England and its first in Wales in its142 year history. The College, which represents most midwives and also maternity support workers (MSWs) ...